summer. I am so proud of her!
of school teachers can afford a 1200 SF suite at the top of the Mirage!
I have not been a very good blogger lately. We have been working / moving / remodeling since June 30th. We finally closed on the sale of our house this week. In between all that we managed a trip to Las Vegas with Abby & Kelly, my sister's family and our mom. We had a great time in the desert and are looking forward to summer winding down and school starting. Abby got her first teaching job at Putnam City High School (our rival and sister school). We are so happy and proud of her! She is teaching Family and Consumer Science and we know she will be a GREAT teacher! Emma is growing and her language is incredible. Her vocabulary increases everyday. She loves the new house and her pink room. I will post pictures of the new house after we get everything settled. Still alot of boxes everywhere. Can't believe we are coming up on the one year anniversary with Emma. Where has the time gone? Until Next time......