holding her picture taken September 22, 2008,
Yesterday, one year ago in Vietnam we held Emma for the first time. For five long months we looked at her picture and dreamed of what it would be like to finally meet her. We remember that day so well. Waking up early at the Somerset Ho Chi Minh City, anxiously awaiting to be picked up, the ridiculous humidity that morning, the ride to Binh Duong, pulling up to the orphanage, nervously going inside and seeing Sam and Alex, but no Emma. Finally a door opens, and in walks a caregiver holding our little angel, so much smaller than we expected and with a nervous, scared look on her tiny face. Cathy had her back to the door and I said, "look who's here". I am so thankful I captured that first moment on video and with a picture. The look on Cathy's face when Emma is given to her is priceless. What an amazing journey the past year has been. We can't imagine life without her. She has grown in body and mind so much. She is talking up a storm and smart as a whip! We treasure every moment with her as we know she will grow up fast. We hope you enjoy these recent pictures of her and our one year celebration! Thank you family and friends for following our journey with our daughter.
Happy Gotchya Day, Keller family! Emma is gorgeous, and she's blossomed over the past year. Congratulations.
Happy Gotchya Day! It looks like you had a great party. We love the pictures and it is amazing how much Emma has changed this past year!
Happy Adoption Day! What great pictures. Emma is a doll!
Happy Happy Gotcha Day to all of you...God blessed you and God blessed Emma (big time) 1 year ago. I love that you are all so happy. :)
Happy Gotcha Day Emma!
Thanks for sharing the pictures!
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