Forrest - "Freddy", Lars - "Prof Higgins", Chris - "Alfred Doolittle",
Jonathan - "Col Pickering, and our star, Abby - "Eliza Doolittle"
The past six weeks I have had the honor of working with some of the greatest kids in my 22 years of teaching. Not only are they plain ol great kids, they are ridiculously talented actors and singers! I got to be a small part of PC North's production of "My Fair Lady" and it was a blast! I played a cockney, a king, a chauffeur, and a footman. Our director, Rose Mary, who has been doing this for 25 years said it was one of the best shows she has seen since she has been at North. I want to thank all the kids for letting me be a small part of the show. Seniors, you will be missed! A special shout
out to Abby, Sarah, Kimberly, Becca, Lars, Chris, Jonathan, Broderick, and Forrest. You guys are the best!
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